Replace Health insurance

Health Insurance Has Failed. Learn How Big Tree Does It Better for Less.

Big Tree's three part game-plan can completely replace health insurance for most individuals and groups. 

At Big Tree, we like solutions. We work with health sharing memberships like Sedera for those unforeseen health needs like major surgery or cancer.  We have also pioneered an enhanced primary care membership (Big Tree Unlimited PLUS) that allows you to receive care from other health care providers for just a copay.  We also work with self funded health plans for larger groups to dramatically lower total health care spending, while improving employee satisfaction. 

  • Sedera Medical Cost Sharing
    • Health Sharing Groups like Sedera allow you to pay a monthly fee and then, when needed, receive help with your medical bills.
    • For example, a 42 year old single person (non-tobacco user) would pay just over $200/month.  If they were diagnosed with cancer, all expenses related to that cancer would be paid for after an initial $1,500 payment.  
    • Not great for people with known, expected large expenses in the next year.
    • Does not require signing a statement of faith and can be used for groups of any size.

    Get direct and unlimited access to quality care from start to finish by paring a Sedera Membership with a Big Tree Membership.

    With Sedera, they assist with larger medical expenses, there are no network concerns, you have access to a dedicated member services team, has an average of 50% in cost savings, is open to all, and you get discounted rates when you pair it with a Big Tree Membership. View Rates Here.

    Employers, are you looking for an affordable heath insurance alternative for your team members?

  • Big Tree Unlimited Plus
    • An enhanced membership that can act as a stand alone, can be combined with Sedera or purchased for employees.  $175/month for individual, $425/month for a family
    • Includes everything in the Big Tree Unlimited Membership.
    • 180+ included medications
    • Can be used at other primary care offices, specialists offices or urgent cares with a copay ($25 PCP/$50 specialists, UC).
    • 10 trips to the lab for free.
    • Free diabetes management service (includes glucometer and strips).
    • 100% of preventative services covered.
    • Counseling, chiropracter, physical therapy services for just a copay.
    • Extensive network including nearly all US health care providers.  Does not cover hospitalizations or radiology.  See details.
  • Self funded health plans
    • Appropriate for most groups over 50 employees.
    • "Level funded health plans" allow employers to have a fixed monthly cost (which is your max exposure), a benefit that feels like health insurance to the employees, and the ability to get money back that is not spent on health expenses.
    • Monthly cost is typically 20% less than similarly equipped ordinary health plans.
    • In our experience, employers get money back in 4 out of 5 years.

For more info:

For more info on Big Tree Plus, Sedera or integrating Big Tree into a self funded health plan, contact Jennifer Wampler @

Big Tree Medical Case Studies

The following examples only compare pricing and do not consider the value of care. This particular system was designed by combining the Big Tree Unlimited Plan with a health-sharing membership through Sedera. Similar solutions could be achieved by combining a higher deductible group plan or a self-funded health plan with Big Tree. A marketplace plan would have around a $5,000 deductible, while the health share membership would have a $500 per “episode” out-of-pocket cost, which is hardly comparable. In none of these cases does the patient qualify for a subsidy to defray part of the cost of health insurance. You can calculate your actual cost for a health care insurance plan through the ACA Exchange, including checking to see if you qualify for a subsidy.

  • Case Study 1

    Meet Helen, a 34-year-old office manager in a rural county. She takes birth control and a generic anxiety medication. During the year, she has acute care visits for sinusitis and a UTI. She is comparing a Big Tree Unlimited membership in combination with a health sharing membership with Sedera, and a marketplace plan with Cigna. Her family income is too high to qualify for a subsidy from the government. Her monthly cost with Big Tree and Sedera is $246/month, while the Cigna plan costs $460/month. With Big Tree, her average monthly cost for medication is $16, and with Cigna, her medications would have averaged $30/month. She also would spend $305 in doctor copays and coinsurance with the Cigna plan and zero with Big Tree. Over the course of a year, the Big Tree-based system would cost $3,000 less than the Cigna plan. If Helen had received a catastrophic cancer diagnosis that year, she would have paid an additional $500 with the Big Tree-Sedera system, but would have paid an extra $6,000 with the Cigna plan. Furthermore, she loves her Big Tree clinical team, while the Cigna system would have forced her to use a random provider at urgent care every time she was sick. 

  • Case Study 2

    Meet Leanne, a 55-year-old entrepreneur who suffered a heart attack 6 months into her yearly plan. She required a 3-day hospital stay, a stent, and was discharged with 4 medications. She was only on a high blood pressure medication before the heart attack. Leanne has a $500 per episode initial unshareable amount with the Big Tree-Sedera system and an $8,150 deductible silver plan from the ACA marketplace. Because of her age, her ACA plan costs $854/month, while her Big Tree-Sedera membership is $366/month. For the whole year she would spend $19,000 with the ACA plan and $4,800 with the Big Tree-Sedera system.

  • Case Study 3

    Meet Larry, whose case demonstrates one of the weaknesses of health share memberships: their treatment of pre-existing conditions. Larry’s employer offers a program by which he can either get a Big Tree-Sedera membership, or get the same amount of money to put toward a marketplace plan. Larry is worried because his pre-existing conditions won’t be eligible for sharing in year 1 under Sedera. Larry is a 62-year-old early retiree with diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Larry takes 2 oral diabetes medications, 2 blood pressure medications, and 1 medication for high cholesterol. He is hospitalized for 2 days for high blood sugar, which is not eligible for sharing in the health sharing arrangement, as it is a pre-existing condition. He has a $500 per episode initial unshareable amount with Sedera or a $6,750 deductible silver plan from the ACA marketplace. The hospital provides a 60% discount for uninsured patients. Larry has 4 doctor visits per year that include hba1c tests and other appropriate diabetes labs, but with Big Tree, these can all be done for minimal cost. His two-day hospitalization only costs $1,828 even though Sedera does not help with the pre-existing condition. There are certainly cases where it may make sense to buy an ACA marketplace plan, but due to the increasingly high monthly cost of these plans, even people like Larry, who have significant chronic conditions, can save money and receive more personalized care from a Big Tree-Sedara system. Even when paying out-of-pocket for pre-existing conditions, Larry saves over $16,000 by using a health share membership rather than buying an insurance plan.

    If you are considering pairing your Big Tree membership with another health insurance plan, we recommend working with a licensed insurance agent and Sedera to create a system that meets your individual needs. If you are looking for advice on utilizing the Big Tree-Sedera system, check out our partner agency Maverick Benefits. For more information on how to use the Big Tree-Sedera system for groups of all sizes, learn more on our groups page. 

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