Small Group Plans

Direct Primary Care Can Make Healthcare Affordable for Small Business Owners

Healthcare Plans for Businesses Who Employ Less Than 50 People

Want to provide your employees with a benefit that they will love that will lower the cost of health care? Big Tree Medical is the solution you’ve been looking for. Big Tree often works with smaller employers, either as a stand-alone benefit or as a part of a health sharing plan or high deductible health plan. Employees get a concierge level experience and employers save with a lower-cost healthcare product. As a smaller employer, you have a variety of plan options to choose from.

A Primary Care Membership as a Benefit:

Many employers find that adding a Big Tree plan as a benefit helps retain good employees and attracts quality candidates through a tight labor market. For $70/month, employees can enjoy in-person services from our clinics. For $55/month, employees can take advantage of our virtual care services. No matter what plan you select, your employees will have access to unlimited primary care, including care of acute health conditions, chronic medical conditions, and mental health care. They also receive discounted or free generic medications and discounted lab work. While there is no coverage for hospitalizations and other catastrophic medical situations, 80-90% of all health care needs can be addressed through a Big Tree membership. For more info, please email:

Big Tree With a Share Plan:

Medical cost-sharing communities are an innovative solution to the rising cost of health insurance. Through a special partnership with Sedara, your employees can receive a discount on the monthly cost of a Big Tree membership. This discount will cover all or a part of a Big Tree membership fee. Employers can provide the concierge care of Big Tree, and the security of knowing that major medical expenses will be covered. For more information about Sedera+Big Tree, please email:

Big Tree Plus - Service Exclusive to Missouri Businesses:

In Missouri, Big Tree offers a higher level membership which includes not only the Big Tree Unlimited plan, provides coverage for specialist visits, chiropractic care, labs, and therapy. The individual plan is $195/month, family plans are available. For more information on Big Tree Plus, please email

Big Tree Medical’s Direct Primary Care Plan Benefits Small Business Owners & Employees

If you are interested in adding, changing, or modifying your small business’s healthcare plan, Big Tree can help. Our direct primary care system can lead to decreased healthcare costs and improved employee health. By giving your employees access to a familiar and readily available care team, you are allowing them to take control of their health and live better lives. Start making a difference in your employee satisfaction today!

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