Sedalia, MO

Big Tree Medical Is Providing Groundbreaking Care for Sedalia Residents Through In-Person & Virtual Healthcare Memberships

Already a Member? Schedule Now

Big Tree Medical Care Providers in Sedalia

Primary Care Coverage & Pharmacy Access for Sedalia Residents

Big Tree Unlimited

*3-month membership commitment required

The Unlimited membership provides you with the highest level of service at an unbeatable price. Unlimited members can take advantage of an unlimited number of either in-person or online appointments with their personal medical team. They receive 24/7 access to care via our app, Spruce, with the convenience of text messaging their medical team. This plan includes a membership to our members-only pharmacy where patients can access over 180 medications at no cost. All Big Tree members receive wholesale lab pricing through Quest.

Individual Plan: $80/month

Couples Plan: $150/month

Individual with Children: $150/month

Family Plan: $225/month


Big Tree Access - Must Have Insurance

*3-month membership commitment required

This membership provides you access to our unique concierge medical app and members-only pharmacy at an unbeatable price. Access members use existing insurance for any covered services. Our team is in-network for all major commercial insurance plans excluding Medicare and Medicaid. Members have 24/7 access to care via our app, with the convenience of text messaging their medical team. Through our members-only pharmacy, our patients can access over 180 medications at no cost. Any virtual or in-person appointments are billed in the traditional manner with your insurance company using the traditional co-pay, co-insurance, deductible model.

Individual Plan: $40/month

Couples Plan: $77/month

Individuals with Children: $77/month

Family Plan: $110/month


Big Tree Virtual

*3-month membership commitment required

The Virtual membership provides you the outstanding virtual concierge medical care at an unbeatable price. Virtual members can get an unlimited number of online appointments with their medical team. They get 24/7 access to care via our app with the convenience of text messaging their medical team. The membership includes access to our pharmacy where patients have access to over 180 medications at no cost. We can ship medications anywhere in Missouri. All Big Tree members get our wholesale lab pricing through Quest.

Individual Plan: $62/month

Couples Plan: $110/month

Individual with Children: $110/month

Family Plan: $160/month


Big Tree Student Unlimited

For students only. The Unlimited membership provides you with the highest level of service at an unbeatable price. Unlimited members can take advantage of an unlimited number of either in-person or online appointments with their personal medical team. They receive 24/7 access to care via our app, Spruce, with the convenience of text messaging their medical team. This plan includes a membership to our members-only pharmacy where patients can access over 180 medications at no cost. All Big Tree members receive wholesale lab pricing through Quest.


$44/month (with $100 one-time registration fee)


$520/year (registration fee is waived)


Big Tree Student Virtual

For students only.The Virtual membership provides you the outstanding virtual concierge medical care at an unbeatable price. Virtual members can get an unlimited number of online appointments with their medical team. They get 24/7 access to care via our app with the convenience of text messaging their medical team. The membership includes access to our pharmacy where patients have access to over 180 medications at no cost. We can ship medications anywhere in Missouri. All Big Tree members get our wholesale lab pricing through Quest.


$33/month (with $100 one-time registration fee)


$410/year (registration fee is waived)


Big Tree Plans

Need help with other parts of health care?

The Big Tree members are eligible to participate in several affordable programs to help defray the costs of other parts of the health care system.

More specialized care, driven by Big Tree

The Big Tree Unlimited Plus membership provides all the benefits of a Big Tree Unlimited membership (unlimited visits, in office or virtual, discount medications) with an additional layer to help create a more comprehensive solution.  Plus also allows you to receive in-office care from following professionals for only a copay:

  • Other primary care providers
  • Medical and surgical specialists
  • Physical or occupational therapists
  • Counselors or psychologists
  • Speech therapists
  • Laboratory (10 visits per year, no cost).

Unlimited Plus members also have access* to Paytient, a Health Payment Account (HPA) which offers a $2,500 (individual)/$5,000 (family) 0% interest/fee Visa card you can use to break up your care expenses with a custom repayment plan up to 36 months.

*The Paytient card is a line of credit that is subject to approval. All charges made to the Paytient card must be repaid according to the terms outlined in the cardholder agreement

Member: $175/mo

Member/children: $300/mo

Member/spouse: $325/mo

Member/family: $425/mo

Big Tree Dental membership

Big Tree Dental is exclusive to Big Tree members.  Members can visit any dental provider in the US.  100% coverage for preventative and diagnostic services, 90% coverage for basic services and 60% coverage of major services ($1,500 annual max benefit).  See details here.

Individual pricing (Big Tree membership + the following monthly rate):

Member: $43/mo

Member/Children: $76/mo

Member/Spouse: $97/mo

Member/Family: $119/mo

Big Tree Dental/Vision membership

Big Tree Dental is exclusive to Big Tree members.  Members can visit any dental provider in the US.  100% coverage for preventative and diagnostic services, 90% coverage for basic services and 60% coverage of major services ($1,500 annual max benefit).  

Big Tree Vision adds a membership that provides access to vision care at any provider in the US.  The vision membership has a $25 annual deductible ($50 for families) and provides a $600 annual benefit with a 90% co-insurance.  See details here. There is no seperate vision-only membership.

Individual pricing (Big Tree membership + the following monthly rate):

Member: Dental $43/mo, + Vision $14/mo

Member/Children: Dental $76/mo + Vision $20/mo

Member/Spouse: Dental $97/mo + Vision $24/mo

Member/Family: Dental $119/mo + Vision $35/mo

Big Tree Medical Is Available for In-Person Appointments Across Central Missouri

Healthcare should be easy to access. If you need an in-person appointment with a primary care provider, call, text, or schedule an appointment! It’s really that easy. Find your provider below.

Can I utilize the Big Tree Medical Group without a membership?

Yes! We do operate like any other clinic. Non-members cannot access the Big Tree pharmacy, the messaging app, or discounted labs. They may not be able to get same-day appointments. In short, we act like any other clinic, but that is exactly what your health insurance pays for. To schedule an appointment, give us a call or text today (573-814-1170), or click the Get Started button below.  After you input your demographic data and insurance info, you can schedule an appointment in the Contact tab at the top of the page or by texting (573) 814-1170.  Available in Missouri only.   


Concierge Healthcare at Your Fingertips

Do you need to speak with your healthcare provider about a medical concern? Do you need a refill on your prescription medication? Download Spruce! The Spruce app is the most convenient way to securely message your team. We also manage all video-based appointments through Spruce. Download the app and learn how to use it today! 

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