Large Group Plans

Large Employers Can Benefit From a Direct Primary Care Plan

Healthcare for Large Businesses Who Employ More Than 50 People

Is your healthcare provider profiting off of your employee’s healthcare plan while those same employees never see an increase in benefits?

Traditional healthcare plans are not designed to benefit your employees. Instead, they line the pockets of the healthcare providers while your employees struggle to make a doctor’s appointment in a timely manner. 

If you employ more than 50 people, consider providing healthcare through Big Tree. Our innovative healthcare solution provides employees with an unbeatable experience and lowers the total cost of care. Big Tree can work with your broker or third-party administrator to create a custom solution for your group. We have demonstrated the ability to provide a net promoter score of 90 while lowering the total cost of care by double digits. Whether you select a virtual primary care platform or build a custom onsite or near-site clinic, Big Tree can provide the return on investment you are looking for.

Why is Self-Funded Healthcare a Better Solution for Large Companies?

In healthcare, a one-size-fits-all plan just doesn’t work. Your employees have a variety of needs that might not be met if you are only providing a basic plan. For years, savvy HR executives and brokers have employed direct contracting, self-funded health plans, captives, and other programs to lower healthcare costs while still providing outstanding employee benefits.

Big Tree’s concierge level of service fits well with any program in which a larger employer benefits when costs are contained. Direct primary care becomes the ultimate tool to provide outstanding service to your employees, drive employees to cost containment programs, lower ER utilization, lower specialist utilization, lower hospital visits, and lower the total cost of care. Where telehealth failed, Big Tree is delivering results. We see employee utilization of over 60% by 12 months, which is higher than the health insurance utilization.

Group Healthcare Benefits from Big Tree Medical

Big Tree has also worked with larger employers who implement sophisticated structures to allow them to move their employees to a health sharing membership like Sedera. For groups over 200, we can build near-site clinics. Groups over 1000 can build on-site clinics with or without a pharmacy, making healthcare incredibly accessible. If you are happy with your current benefit consultant, let Big Tree work with your broker or TPA. If you have never worked with a self-funded plan, our partners can help you create a custom solution that integrates seamlessly into your border health benefits stack. In our experience, 80% of employers with more than 50 employees can create a less expensive plan, have no greater risk and the potential for additional savings in low utilization years. For more information email:

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